

1. Introduction

This document is meant to determine the terms of use of the website www.ruralidays.com , which also operates under the name of ´Viajes Ruralidays´ (hereafter RURALIDAYS). RURALIDAYS is established at the Fernán Núñez, 16, CIP: 29002 in Málaga (no visiting address). RURALIDAYS can be reached via [email protected] or by phone at 0034 951101276.

The term ´consumer´ will be used to describe natural persons who either visit the website or rent an accommodation via www.ruralidays.com .

RURALIDAYS is an organization that tries to help consumers from different countries to find a suitable accommodation for their holidays. This is done via the website www.ruralidays.com . On the website the offer of accommodations is shown, special offers are displayed, photos of the environment are shown, and information about possible activities is given.

RURALIDAYS is not the owner of the accommodations that are offered on the website. The accommodation that are shown on the website belong to either natural persons or companies who agreed to rent their property via www.ruralidays.com .

Using the website www.ruralidays.com or booking an accommodation via this website implies that the consumer accepts the general terms and conditions of RURALIDAYS. It is expected from the consumer that he or she takes notice of the general terms and conditions as they are displayed under the button ´general terms and conditions´. The general terms and conditions may be changed. Therefore it is important that the consumer takes notice of the most up-to-date version, which can be found on the website at ´general terms and conditions´.

Although the website is managed with the greatest care and information is checked continuously and kept up to date it may happen that mistakes or incompleteness of information occurs. RURALIDAYS is not responsible for evident mistakes. If you see a mistake on the website, we would appreciate it if you would contact us. Any feedback will be appreciated.


2. The use of the website and the service of www.ruralidays.com

2.1 The consumer is expected to use the website www.ruralidays.com and the forthcoming service in an appropriate way. This means that it is expected from the consumer to respect their legal obligations, behave appropriately and treat the property and its owners with respect. Furthermore, it is prohibited to use the website for illegal purposes, with purposes that are in opposition to the general terms and conditions, or in ways that could cause harm in any way to RURALIDAYS, or any other party involved with the organization.

2.2 RURALIDAYS reserves the right to change, without notification beforehand, the offer on the website, the way the services are offered, as well as the general terms and conditions.

RURALIDAYS aims to deliver the highest service level possible. Suggestions for improvement can be addresses to the management by sending an e-mail to [email protected] . The management will then evaluate the feedback.

2.3 Consumers of RURALIDAYS are expected to follow the instructions of the personnel of RURALIDAYS, whether this is send to them by [email protected] or otherwise.


3. Privacy

Consumers of RURALIDAYS reserve the right to request RURALIDAYS to erase or modify their personal details as is described in the Personal data Law Protection. Furthermore, the consumer has the right to withdraw his or her consent concerning the use of his or her personal details.

It is expected of the consumer that he or she takes notice of the conditions of the Personal data Law Protection before he or she submits any personal details on the website. If a consumer submits his or her personal details on the website then this is seen as an acceptance of the conditions of Personal data Law Protection.


4. Dissolution of agreement

RURALIDAYS reserves the right to dissolve the agreement or refuse service to certain consumers, either temporary or permanently, in any of the following situations:

a. When someone acts in opposition to one of the conditions as determined in the general terms and conditions.

b. When someone does not respect the law, disrupts the public order or is disrespectful to the owner(s) of the property.

Dissolving the agreement or refusing further service to consumers does not mean RURALIDAYS will not pursue legal steps or claim the compensation on which the company has right.


5. Modification of general terms and conditions

RURALIDAYS reserves the right to modify the general terms and conditions when this occurs to be necessary. A modification in the general conditions can be made without notification beforehand. If the terms and conditions are changed, consumers will be notified via www.ruralidays.com .


6. Protection of intellectual property

All content that can be found on www.ruralidays.com , including the graphic design and the PHP and ASP code are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. The intellectual property belongs solely to RURALIDAYS. The use of trademarks or logos of RURALIDAYS is prohibited unless RURALIDAYS has given written permission to use them. For reproduction and/or distribution of parts of the website (for example pictures, texts or code) regardless of the used medium, a written permission of RURALIDAYS is necessary. It is expected that the consumer treats the information on www.ruralidays.com with care and only uses the information for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes.


7. Hyperlinks

7.1 In the event that a website refers to www.ruralidays.com with whatever purposes, RURALIDAYS cannot be held responsible for the content that is displayed on that website. The content on the websites linking to RURALIDAYS is not controlled by RURALIDAYS and therefore might contain false information. The existence of a link on a website to www.ruralidays.com does not imply any relationship between the two parties.

7.2 Third parties that place a link to www.ruralidays.com on their website are obliged to check that the link only leads to webpages belonging to www.ruralidays.com . Furthermore, the third party has to ensure that the content of www.ruralidays.com is not reproduced and that the link does not contain false information. It is prohibited to place brand names, trademarks, logos or slogans of RURALIDAYS on the webpage that is linking to RURALIDAYS.


8. Exemption of responsibility

8.1 RURALIDAYS is not obliged to check the absence of viruses, or other elements on the website that are able to change the software or hardware of visitors of the website.

8.2 The consumer will be held responsible for any damage that is caused by an action of the consumer that is against the law, in opposition to the general terms and conditions or is in opposition to appropriate behavior.


9. In case of dispute

In case of a dispute where one or several of the conditions in this document or in the general terms and conditions are not applicable or not legally valid, the rest of the conditions remain in force. The agreed conditions are then changed into comparable terms which remain legally valid.

Disputes that are resulting from the advertised services of RURALIDAYS will be treated under Spanish law, the entitled court will the one of the place of business of RURALIDAYS, the court of Málaga.


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